The Things You See….

Because we are outdoors for such long periods delivering leaflets, flyers, and monthly publications, you inevitably see lots of interesting things.

Not in a 'what the butler saw' kind of way, but very random all the same!

Here are a selection of pictures I've taken whilst I've been out:


The first one isn't particularly clear, but it is a message for any Couriers calling. I saw this in Cupar, Fife – "If we're not around, we're happy for you to leave parcels in our black bin or on the shed porch. Many thanks. Have a great day. Perfectly reasonable until the last sentence – "All Salesmen and God Botherers will be shot." I'm sure they are only joking…


I came across this sign when I was doing a rural delivery in East Ayrshire

Luckily, I never came across any bears!


This individual decided to befriend me while was I doing another rural delivery, this time in Glen Isla in Angus.

He followed me around and let me get very close, as you can see. I quite enjoyed this, although I didn't fancy chances if he was as trusting with a hunting party I had passed a few miles back!


Finally, I spotted this on the wall outside someone's house in Broughty Ferry, Dundee.

I don't think I need to say anymore?!


Out and about in Highland Perthshire


Newburgh Bear