Customer Testimonials

Established in 2006, we’ve assisted a variety of businesses

"Billy targeted a large distribution for us to business and homes in Dundee for our Christmas campaign. I was delighted when this campaign directly led to a rise of £25,000 in sales compared to last year."

SH - Dundee

"I have used Billy for a year or so now for delivering flyers and have had a great response from them. Billy is very helpful and efficient, the flyers go to prearranged areas and I always get a confirmation email and map outlining the drop areas afterwards. Great to deal with, highly recommended."

RM - Perthshire


“Good reliable service"

Construction Company, Dundee


"We used Billy to target all the homes in Carnoustie in the run up to the opening of our new shop. The shop was extremely busy on the opening day, and business has continued to be steady ever since. I believe this is directly attributable to the thorough leaflet campaign carried out on our behalf and I’m delighted with the service we received."

RM - Carnoustie


"I have used Billy to individually deliver leaflets for our self employment program. For 16 deliveries of 24,000 addresses in the regeneration areas in all weather conditions this has been done in time and verified. I have recommended this service to others who are now using it and passing it on."

Business Development Agency, Fife


"A very professional, conscientious company"

Community Magazine

"Thanks for the final update and all the previous updates. I have found it very useful knowing exactly where and when the leaflets are being distributed. I have been very pleased with the results so far and look forward to comparing the results with previous years of using the royal mail. I certainly feel the quality of customer that has responded has been better which I'm sure is down to a more targeted distribution. I will be in touch later in the year regarding a new campaign for next year."

BD, Carnoustie