Out and about in Highland Perthshire

In July, we undertook our biggest rural delivery to date, covering Highland Perthshire from Dunkeld up to Blair Atholl and as far West as Loch Tay, Rannoch Station and Glen Lyon. It was a big A4 glossy magazine and very good quality.

Rural deliveries are always a logistical challenge, particularly if it's been wet when some of the farm roads can be tricky. Even if the roads are ok, the journeys from the main road up to some properties can be very long indeed. One delivery, near Dunkeld, took 10 minutes to get to the house, then 10 minutes to get back out again, all on a windy single track road! It has its rewards though, and the following pictures are a sample of the random things you come across when you're 'in the country'!


I spotted this fellow when I pulled up at a large house just outside Blair Atholl. Peacocks, whilst uncommon, do still pop up from time to time during rural deliveries. I don't often see them in all their glory, however, so seeing this chap with all his feathers on show was quite rare.


You can't pass through Rannoch Station unless you're on the train or on foot. There's one road in, and one road out so you'll never really 'pass through it' in a car!

For its seeming remoteness, however, it's a popular place with walkers due to its access to the surrounding area including Glencoe and Rannoch Moor. The car park was consequently quite busy when I was there.


This is the Loch Lyon Dam at the head of Glen Lyon. In the context of access, it's probably more remote than Rannoch Station as the access road is 22 miles long! The road is still fairly interesting though, and the dam is quite impressive.


Just a few miles downstream from Loch Lyon Dam, this is the Dam at Cashlie Power Station on Stronuich Reservoir. 


Loch Rannoch before the wind picked up! Although it was July, I was treated to various extremes of weather during this delivery. Needless to say, I wasn't enjoying that sort of view even half an hour later!


Leafleting lotteries to look out for! No. 1


The Things You Seeā€¦.